Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Cookies Sermon #3
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Memories of Christmas Past
Friday, December 18, 2009
I was reminded of that story this week on my way to work. Most of my usual route is through farmlands. This time of year, the corn has all been harvested and the stubs of corn stalks poke up through a coating of snow. One such field I passed had hundreds of Canadian geese gleaning the remains of the crop. A few miles later in my trip, I saw a group of about a dozen wild turkeys picking through the leftovers of another cornfield. I have also seen deer in these fields on some mornings.
It made me wonder what will happen to wildlife as the number of small family farms in our country dwindles. The birds and the beasts are the gleaners in our fields.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Why the Post Office is in Trouble
Last week we had lake effect snow in our area, but the band didn't really stall over the top of us, so we only got about a foot total. The first day of the snow, I went out and shoveled the sidewalk perpendicular to the street. A kind neighbor who, I think, knew my husband was out of town, did the sidewalk parallel to the street with his snow-blower.
The second day, I watched the weather and thought, "Well, there's not that much new snow, and I hate to shovel and then have to shovel again after it stops." So, I called the guy who has been doing yard jobs for us recently and left a message for him to come and shovel when it was convenient.
Later that day, I noticed the mailman on the other side of the street. I was sort of watching for him, because I had some letters that needed to go out that day, and of course, this close to Christmas, I was expecting to received some mail.
Currently the houses on either side of us are vacant, and the walks there are not shoveled at all. From my sewing table on the second floor, I saw the mailman go out in the street when he came to the house on the east side of ours and continue past our house and the one on the west side. I ran downstairs and out on the porch. I called to the mailman who was now two houses away, "Did you skip me, because my sidewalk wasn't shoveled?"
"Yes," he called back, and kept walking.
I would have chased him to get my mail, but I didn't have my boots on.
I couldn't believe it. All he had to do was walk up the driveway, the end of which the thoughtful neighbor had snowblown....there was no mound to climb over.
I took a ruler out and measured the depth of the snow on my ranged between 3 and 6 1/2 inches.....hardly a deterrent to a young adult male in heavy boots.
Now mind you, it was 4 pm and he was probably tired and anxious to finish his route, but I get lots of mail which he, by his choice, had to carry the rest of the route and back again the next day.
I also expect that the houses on either side of us not being shoveled out contributed to what he did, but that isn't my fault. I can't be expected to shovel out two properties I don't own....not at my age anyway. I'm in good shape, but I'm not exactly a teenager anymore.
There's this thing called "work ethic" that seems to be lacking in a huge percentage of the population.
So today, there was a promotional piece in the mail from the US Postal Service saying they would deliver holiday stamps to my door.
#1 It's a little late for that.
#2 They can't even deliver my mail if they don't feel like it.
I don't suppose they are interested in my opinion, but customer service is important.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Cookie Sermon #2
I described how I had rolled the dough into balls, rolled each ball in egg white and then in chopped nuts, placed the balls on a cookie sheet, and pressed my thumb into each one. After the cookies were baked I filled my thumb imprint with frosting.
God is not exactly described as a cookie baker in the Bible, but He is described as a potter. He takes the clay, shapes it as he desires and when He is finished, He puts his stamp on the vessel created.
I suggested that if we allow God to shape us and put His imprint on us, He fills that imprint with something good, just the way I filled the thumbprint with frosting. The themes for our Advent candles are hope, peace, joy and love....all things God wants to fill us with.
So let's allow God to put His imprint on our lives.
Everyone, including the adults, enjoyed the cookies.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Texting on Ice
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Christmas Cookie Sermon #1
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Near Miss
Friday, November 27, 2009
I am Thankful-Part 2

Now that Thanksgiving Day is over, I am thankful...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I am Thankful
Friday, November 20, 2009
Who is in Control?
This week I attended a lecture by a physician who is a specialist in a particular type of cancer. A woman in the audience who has this type of cancer commented during the doctor's presentation on clinical trials, that she is part of a clinical trial and was chosen for the control group which receives no treatment. She said that, since she had prayed about this, she was taking it as God's plan. The doctor replied, “Actually you were randomly selected by a computer, so unless you believe God is a big computer.......” and she just let the statement trail off.
Now, I totally understand the concept of random selection by a computer. Part of my job, in fact, is to coordinate a research project on a different type of cancer than the one that was under discussion. When I first enrolled patients in that study, a computer somewhere in the country told me what to do with each person. But the doctor was wrong when she implied that God could not be operating in this situation, because an impartial machine is in control.
True,which arm of the study a person ends up in is dependent on what the computer generates. But, suppose the person who entered this woman's data stopped to have a cup of coffee or use the bathroom or took a phone call, and the data entry was delayed by a minute or two, causing someone elsewhere to enter the data on another patient first. The computer is not in control of that. There is plenty of room for God to operate in our world in ways we never consider.
This brings me to something else I encountered this week, which may, at first, not seem to be related. There is a message floating around on the internet that we should pray for President Obama according to Psalm 109:8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office. It is very distressing to me that anyone who believes in prayer would consider saying such a thing. If this is a joke, it isn't the least bit funny. If the originator is serious, he/she is terribly misusing God's word by taking it out of context.
The apostle Paul, writing in I Timothy, says: I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone....for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
If we love God and want to honor Him, we need to be praying for President Obama, the Congress and all of the leadership of our country. We don't have to agree with them, and it is perfectly legitimate to state our opposition to policies, but personal attack is wrong. We should never get caught hoping or praying for bad things to befall anyone.
If you don't agree with someone and maybe even dislike them, you can still pray for them in a way that honors God. Here is my prayer: “I pray for President Obama and the Congress. Lord, please use them to accomplish Your purposes in this world and to bring glory to Yourself.”
I think God can and will honor this prayer. I believe that He is in control. It doesn't matter what party is in office or whether the resultant policies are to our liking. I think of the world as an enormous Rubik's cube. Only God has the wisdom and knowledge to solve it and align the pieces to bring about His plan for human history. No matter how it appears to us, He is moving the pieces into position. At some points, it will look like everything is wrong, but that is only a temporary state caused by our imperfect perspective.
When God makes the last move, all mankind will be in awe, and no one will have any choice except to acknowledge that He is in control and has been right along.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Please stay out of the ditch!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Cleaning the House
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Changing the Bed
Monday, November 9, 2009
The River on a November Afternoon
Sunday, November 1, 2009
At the Table
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Impeccable Timing
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Two Viewpoints
He named the local middle school, and when it came time to write my check, he was very clear on the check being made out to the school.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Uncovering the Past
Monday, October 19, 2009
Greatest of Lights
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Agony of Decisions
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Miracle of Healing
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Fun is in the Contrast
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Day of Reckoning
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Sliver of Intimacy
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Girl in the Pink Sweatshirt.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
"Divorce Sale"
On my drive, I saw something I have never seen before. A sign posted near the road read, "Divorce Sale....Everything Must Go."
I have seen Rummage Sale, Garage Sale, Yard Sale, Porch Sale, Moving Sale, Estate Sale, and recently for the first time, Basement Sale. I have never before seen Divorce Sale, and it filled me with a different kind of wonder. What depth of pain and/or bitterness would be required to post a sign along the road advertising the end of a marriage? A "Rummage Sale" sign would have done nicely. Why did the person having the sale feel it necessary to broadcast the message that "Everything must go." All the material possession jointly acquired must go, but posting this sign also seems to be an agonizing cry that all of the hope and dreams felt at the beginning of the relationship must go too.
I am so sorry that someone....even though I have no idea suffering.
I am so grateful for over 40 years of a relationship characterized by mutual respect, understanding, helpfulness and affection. I wish I could bottle it. I wouldn't even sell it. I would give it away.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Indelible Image
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Fighting Entropy
Friday, September 11, 2009
Meri, Meri, Quite Contrary
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Advice on Dog Poop
Friday, August 28, 2009
Defining Moments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Of Childhood Treasures
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Safe Passage
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ready to Fold
Friday, August 14, 2009
Observations on bugs
The cottage is in a wooded area, so there are lots of 6-legged and 8-legged creatures about. If 24 hours elapse between coats of paint, it is necessary to wipe the area clean of spider webs before applying the next coat.
The morning began with a pesky mosquito repeatedly going for my jugular....and I mean that literally. The cottage is cream with dark green trim. Since I had dark green on my brush, and most of the paint in the area was cream, there was no possibility of swatting the annoying insect with the paint brush. He made several attempts at venipuncture, before I managed to annihilate him without splattering the dark green on the cream.
Ants seem to be clueless when it comes to paint. They walk right into the wet stuff or explore the can itself which is a dead end for them.
Daddy long-legs are, however, quite amazing. They travel up the wall extending one leg gingerly ahead of the others. The very first time an appendage touches an area that is still wet, they stop and change directions. If they run into paint in the new direction, they stop and redirect again.
I encountered one spider who saw the brush coming and ducked into a crack behind a window frame. He peeked out, but the brush was still swishing near his den, so he retreated.
By the end of the day, the mosquitos no longer bothered me. However, apparently I had "ripened" as the day was a scorcher and I was pretty much drenched in I ended the day bothered by flies.
Thank goodness, we put a hot water heater and shower in this year!
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Tale of Two Homeless Men
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
20% atheist, 80% agnostic, 100% sad
Recently I read in an internet article that Brad Pitt gave an interview in which he was asked if he believed in God. He stated that he did not, and that he is “20% atheist, 80% agnostic.” This strikes me as 100% sad.
Now I recognize that he is probably NOT sad. He has it all….good looks, fame, wealth, talent, and a highly desirable partner. He has used his position and some of his resources for philanthropic purposes, so he also has reason to view himself as a “good” person.
But, sadness is still what I felt on reading his comment.
I am sad for him personally. Everyone has a god, whether he recognizes it or not. We all have something that fills the core of our being and gives meaning to our life. Since I believe that the only god which adequately fills this role is the one true God who is Creator and Sustainer, I believe that all other “gods” are inadequate and will eventually betray us.
I am sad for his children. Most people I have encountered who are a mix of atheist and agnostic will say that it is fine with them if their children make their own choice about what to believe. The problem is that there is no attempt to expose their children to the point of view that there just might be a God. The children are programmed from the outset to discount the notion of his existence.
I am sad for all those who view him as a role model. He, who “has it all,” is openly stating he doesn’t believe in God, and he hasn’t been struck down by a bolt from heaven. So…maybe it’s a safe position. Of course, the Bible clearly indicates that those who don’t believe in God may appear to prosper in this life. The wheat and chaff grow together until the harvest. The sun shines and the rain falls on both the just and the unjust. As an agnostic/atheist, he probably believes the Bible is just another ancient book of myths. I would challenge anyone with this belief to read it, in its entirety. Not just read someone else’s thoughts on it, but actually read it. It is the only intellectually honest thing to do.
So, I do feel sorry for Brad Pitt. I wouldn’t for a minute wish anything bad to come his way, but difficulties do come to most human beings. If and when life begins to crumble for him, I pray that he will look to God rather than within himself. The human spirit is powerful, but not omnipotent. In the end, we are not “saved” either in this world or the next by our personal attributes, what we possess, or the good we have done.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith…and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God…not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9