Friday, November 27, 2009

I am Thankful-Part 2

Now that Thanksgiving Day is over, I am thankful...
*for the invention of the crockpot which kept the spiced cider warm for all day enjoyment.
*for the backyard raspberry bushes whose fruit produced a most excellent pie.
*for the pumpkin pie brought by Michelle and the pecan pie Bill got at his favorite bakery, so that I didn't have to make ALL the pies.
*for peace in the major fights broke out between siblings or cousins.
*for an adult son to carve the turkey.
*for the same son who cheerfully did everything I asked of him.
*for a gracious new daughter-in-law who tolerates the madness that is our family.
*for a husband who knows the location of the vacuum and how to use it (picture here the condition of the dining room carpet after the meal).
*for weather warm enough that some of the exuberant play by grandkids could occur outside.
*for a sweet little four-year-old granddaughter who was at her other grandma's this year, but called to say she missed me.
*for the oldest granddaughter noticing that the youngest grandson was throwing the tails from his shrimp under the radiator. It would have been most unpleasant to find these at a later date due to the odor.
*for a good night's sleep that restored my energy and made the throbbing in my legs and feet disappear.
*for the goodness of God in every way and all the time.

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