Monday, December 21, 2015

Tying the Perfect Bow

Yesterday after church, I ran into two ladies who were admiring the lovely and festive red and green dress a little girl was wearing.  One of them mentioned that when her daughters were little, it was my mother who had taught her how to tie the perfect bow at the back of a party dress.  I can believe this, but I also found it amusing, as I had not learned to tie the perfect bow from my own mother.

To be fair, learning to tie any bow was such trauma for me, that my mother was probably happy I could tie something functional and didn’t worry about appearance.  Learning to tie ones own shoes was a huge deal in my kindergarten class.  As soon as we could demonstrate our ability to tie our shoes, we were honored with a bow pinned to our blouse for the day to let everyone know of our achievement.  I was the youngest person in my class.  I actually was too young to start school, but I was such a pain at home, that my mother took me to school at the age of 4 years and 4 months and begged them to take me.  Although my brain was clearly ready to be occupied by something other than telling my mother how to run the household, my fine motor skills were more in line with my age and tying a bow was quite beyond me.  My mother later said that I spent most of my kindergarten year bemoaning my inability to tie a bow, and sometimes crying that I would never get to have a bow pinned to my blouse.  I was so ecstatic when I finally came home sporting that bow, that I’m sure my mother didn’t care whether my bows looked perfect.

Unfortunately, I didn’t learn the correct way to tie a bow until I was eighteen, and the person who taught me wasn’t very kind about it!  After high school, I went into a 3-year diploma nursing program.  That would be the old style of nursing education where one was a slave of the hospital.  As we rotated through various specialty areas, we spent time in the operating room.  One fateful day, I was the circulating nurse, and as such, it was my duty to tie the bows at the back neck and waist of the doctor’s surgical gown.  He entered the room with arms raised, having scrubbed, slipped into the gown and turned his back to me to have the bows tied.  I had no sooner tied the bow at his neckline than he began to berate me.

“What is the matter with you?  Have you no idea how to tie a bow?  Don’t you know the bow is supposed to end up cross-wise….not up and down?  Do you want it to tickle my neck all during the surgery?  Look at your own shoes!  You tie your own shoes the same stupid way!”

I looked down at my feet.  Sure enough, the loops on the bows ran parallel to the length of my feet, not from left to right.  I wondered how I could have gone all those years oblivious to this huge faux pas.  I obviously could not correct my shoes then, but I did correct the bow at the doctor’s neckline following his instructions.  When I got back to my dorm room, I experimented with tying my shoes, and discovered there really was a difference in the results depending on which end of the lace was used for the first loop and which was wrapped around.  Imagine that!!

Since I didn’t get married and have daughters until after nursing school and college, I had perfected my bow tying before I had to use it for special occasion dresses.  My daughters were saved the embarrassment of an inept mother.  Lucky for them, I ran into that cranky doctor.  Shoes often have Velcro now, but I’ve never seen it on a party dress.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Tide of Evil

The tide of evil rolls,
A dense black stream,
Tentacles spreading,
Toward my world.

Easy to ignore,
When it is other lives,
Other families engulfed,
Swallowed up.

Screams of grief
Muffled by distance
Barely heard
From my safe shelter.

But what if…
The shield cracks,
The toxic vapor
Diffuses here?

Will I cower,
Or be courageous?
Will I stand,
Or hide in terror?

Will I,
By the grace of God,
Be spared
Facing the evil?


Will I,
By the grace of God,
Be emboldened
To walk through the fire?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

God Isn’t Fixing This

The New York Daily News headline is absolutely right.  It’s not that God can’t fix the mess we are in, but we as a nation have not met the criteria for his involvement.  Television anchors murmur words about remembering the victims of the latest shooting in our prayers.  One wonders if they, or very many of those watching them, ever pray when there isn’t some tragedy about which we are all feeling horrible.

God, the Creator of the universe, who deserves our awe and reverence, cannot be prevailed upon to act on our latest wish or desperate plea.  He has spelled out very clearly what it takes for Him to intervene on our behalf.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
                                     II Chronicles 7:14

Humble themselves
Seek His face
Turn from their wicked ways

We light candles and say prayers, but what about the rest of it?  Whoa….wait just a minute here!  You want me to humble myself?  To admit that I am a “sinner?”  Isn’t that bad for my self-esteem? To seek the face of a God I am not sure exists?  To put some limitations on my conduct?  Can’t I do whatever I please as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else?  What do you mean “wicked ways?”  I’m not as bad as many other folks.

If you want to resist these directives, fine, but if you do, don’t expect God to show up when you are frightened into praying!

It is, of course, ironic that liberals want to increase gun laws….that is, put a limit on the conduct of the populace.  They don’t want Christians to impose their standards regarding human behavior, but it is okay to impose the liberal agenda.  I do not own a gun and do not want to live with a gun in my home, but I do find that whole discussion a smoke screen for the real problems.  The problem isn’t guns.  It is the human heart and mind.

God has clearly spelled out the solution to our dilemma.  If we admit to our sins, pray for His forgiveness, seek His face for direction and stop doing those things contrary to His plan, He will show up. 

He does know how to fix this.