Saturday, March 26, 2022

Let's Forgive Darwin and Move On

It’s time to forgive Darwin and move on.  We need to stop clinging to the fantasy of unplanned natural selection resulting in increasing complexity.  Recent advances in science have made his ideas obsolete, but they are so entrenched that they are accepted.  The prevailing view is that anyone who questions his ideas is probably a conservative, religious nutcase and is espousing “pseudo-science.”

Excuse me, but Darwin had no knowledge of DNA and what it does.  He did not know about computers and the software that runs them, so he didn’t know that every cell in the body of a living organism contains DNA which operates like a computer to give direction to the cell.  The type of complex information which directs our bodily functions is an indicator of intelligent planning…not of benevolent random accidents.  DNA holds the code, RNA transmits it, and the ribosomes take those instructions and create proteins which after assembly fold themselves like “transformers” into little machines.  The notion that this is not planned is ridiculously unscientific.

So why do perfectly intelligent “scientists” cling to this fantasy?  It has nothing to do with their abilities as scientists.  It has to do with their status as human beings who wish to be independent and make their own choices.

If we admit that there is a superior intelligence who “created” us and all living things, we might have to concede that we are in some way responsible to him.  We might have to recognize that since he formed us, he might know what is best for us.  For those of us who believe in him, that is a comforting thought.  For those who deny his existence, that is a repulsive thought.  Human beings have an innate desire to determine their own future.  Some are honest enough to admit that this is foolhardy, but many will go to the grave gritting their teeth and declaring their right to choose their own path.

Timothy McVey was no scientist…he was the Oklahoma City bomber.  Before being executed his last words were from the poem Invictus, which includes, “It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate.  I am the captain of my soul.” 

So, if you want to depart this life clenching your fist in God’s face, you can make that choice.  It is your right, but don’t try to tell me that science disproves God.  It increasingly points to him as a Grand Designer. 

Any chance you are rejecting with your will and not your intellect?