Monday, April 22, 2019

Don't Blame It on Science

I was thinking this morning that when an archeologist unearths the ruins of an ancient civilization, it would never occur to him to believe that it spontaneously grew there underground.  He careful digs and brushes back the layers of dirt and discovers tools, utensils, walls laid out in logical fashion, a way for water to be obtained by the village’s residents, artwork the occupants have created and much more.  He concludes that thinking human beings lived there.  He assesses their degree of sophistication and marvels at what they created.

How on earth can we look at the world around us, and specifically at the human body, and think that it arose spontaneously from a swirling cloud and an organic soup?  The earth is fine-tuned to support life.  The human body is the incredibly complex culmination of life.  In every cell and the way in which it relates to the whole, we see organization, function and artistry.  It screams, “This was planned by an intelligent being!”

Of course, the problem is that if we admit to an intelligent creator…that is, GOD, we might have to acknowledge that we are in some way responsible to him.  Ah…there is the rub.  It is NOT logic or science that prevents people from believing there is a God.  It is the unpleasantness of admitting that he may have something to say about our behavior.  People want to be self-determining.  They do not want limits placed on their conduct.  God may have some guidelines for us to follow.

Following those guidelines would be logical, because the creator might just have insight into what is best for his creation.  But this is where logic is abandoned.  For some ridiculous reason, humans persist in thinking they know better.  If you want to ignore God, declaring that he doesn’t exist makes it easier.

So if you want to be an atheist or even an agnostic, fine!  But don’t try to convince yourself and others that it has anything at all to do with logic or science.  Admit that it is because you don’t want God to meddle in your life and decisions.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Engraved on His Palms

“I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.”   Isaiah 49:16

Carved deeply into flesh,
Written in blood,
Painfully etched,
My name.

Who made these wounds?
Punctured deep,
Penetrating beyond the surface
Into soul and spirit.

What caused the nails,
The rusty nails to be driven?
Was it the sin of the world?
Or was it mine?

His palm outstretched as promised,
Allowed the engraving,
Of my unworthy name
For my redemption.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Impending Doom

The evening before last I had a sensation of impending doom…that is, I had the sense that something awful was about to happen.  This has occurred to me on a handful of prior occasions.  I felt restless and anxious without any apparent reason.  Nothing I could identify had happened to trigger these feelings.  I just expected that something would happen.

Yesterday Notre Dame burned.  A tragedy impacting people around the world.

But also yesterday, somewhere…
*a sweet baby was aborted
*a child died because of abuse or neglect
*a young girl experienced genital mutilation
*a teen overdosed
*a young mother was killed by a drunk driver
*undignified, dehumanizing slavery was imposed on someone
*a loving heart was broken by infidelity
*gossip destroyed someone’s whole social support system
*a diagnosis of a terminal illness brought someone’s world crashing down

This is the week when Christ must have felt the weight of future horrors.  He knew he would die and how he would die.  He knew that he would bear the weight of the sins of all of us.  He also knew that after passing through this hell, he would be victorious over death itself.  He knew Notre Dame would be built and that it would one day burn.  He knew each of the awful things I have listed.  He knew.  He embraced death to redeem man.

Now he looks at the evil in our world and grieves.  Each and every person can, if they make the choice, come to him for salvation and mercy and strength to face each day.  Redemption is available.  If we turn our backs, we will one day burn.  All our accomplishments can be wiped out as easily as any human made structure, no matter how ornate and imposing, can be incinerated.

Today may be filled with agony, but the resurrection is coming. 
New life is coming. 
Dawn is breaking!
Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Treasured Possession

You yourselves have seen what I did…how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.  Now if you obey me fully…you will be my treasured possession.  Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me…               from Exodus 19:4-6

Although these verses were spoken to the Israelites through Moses, I believe they apply equally to those who believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord.  I have snatched phrases out of the passage to increase the impact of this message for believers.

As I look back over 74 years of life, I have seen what he has done!  He has protected and preserved me.  He brought me to Himself.  At an early age, He spoke to my heart and mind, so that even as a child, I recognized that my need for Him was deep and undeniable.

Although I have at times struggled to obey Him, full obedience has always been my heart’s desire.  He recognizes my frailty…He remembers that we are dust and knows our hearts.  I am His treasured possession.  He purchased me at great price.  I am amazed that He would pay such a price, and that He values me.

Everything belongs to him.  Every life exists at His will.  Every breath of every person on earth is granted by Him.  He causes breath to cease on His timetable.  This applies to the most beautiful, the most talented, the most intelligent, the wealthiest, the most athletic, the most admired by others…and to the lowliest. 

I want to be for Him, and I believe that is what He has promised.