Friday, July 28, 2023


 I didn't just want

"Til death do us part. "

I wanted forever.

Your loss broke my heart.

My only solace,

The hope that I live in,

We'll be together forever, 

Someday in heaven.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Are there absurdities in the Bible?

An understated oddity lies in the Bible’s account of creation, wherein Light was manifested on the first day, while the sun, stars, and moon didn’t make their celestial debut until the fourth day (Genesis 1:3-19). This account presents a delightful absurdity, as Light typically is a byproduct of these celestial bodies.

One might be amused imagining a universe aglow with Light yet devoid of its familiar celestial bodies. It’s a quirk of the text that can spark many questions and debates, reminding us of the intriguing challenges in interpreting ancient texts.

The above is quoted from an internet posting about the “absurdities in the Bible.”   I am afraid it represents both arrogance and ignorance.

To begin with, they/he/she include the moon in their list of sources of light.  The moon has no light of its own.  Its light is reflected from the sun.  Secondly, rather than being “absurd” the creation of “light” as the first thing made before the sun and other stars makes perfect sense, if you realize that light is a form of energy.  Since light and matter are interchangeable (E=mc2), it is totally logical that an energy form preceded matter.  Since men in the era in which this document was written would have had no knowledge of the link between matter and energy, I have always taken this as a confirmation that the writer of Genesis was getting his information from the creator himself.  To me it is an example of the inspired word of God.

I have no intent of attempting to debunk all of the 50 supposed absurdities, but some of them are based on a misunderstanding of the text.  Others may seem to represent impossible situations, but that is because we have finite minds.  If there really is an all-powerful God who created and sustains the universe and everything in it, then nothing is impossible for him.  He may choose whether or not he abides by the laws of physics.  It is also clear that he has created laws of physics that we do not yet understand.  Quantum theory is an example.  Human knowledge is finite.  The most brilliant among us are having difficulty stretching their minds around some emerging concepts.

It is ignorant for us to assume we possess all knowledge and arrogant for us to think that everything we don’t understand is absurd.

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.  I Corinthians 1:25

Unfortunately, there are people who will believe what is posted on the internet.  Knowledge of the Bible is in short supply, and there are those who will dismiss it as a book of absurdities without examining the mentioned passages themselves and/or without thinking deeply about what has been written.

I have read the Bible cover to cover multiple times.  It is NOT a book of absurdities.  It is a book describing many situations which the human mind has difficulty comprehending, but no thinking person should dismiss it as ridiculous or irrelevant.  It deserves an open-minded examination. 

It deserves a prayerful examination…open my eyes, Lord.