Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Fun is in the Contrast

I awakened this morning to a cold and dismal day. I snuggled up against my husband and felt warm and at peace listening to the sound of the rain pelting the roof. Eventually I got up and showered. I always feel so grateful for a warm shower in the morning.
But, a great part of the enjoyment of these simple things is in the contrast. I compare the snuggle time in the morning with the rest of the day, or with the times my husband is away on a business trip and I awaken to an empty cold expanse on the other side of the bed. I need those times in order to realize the blessing of the cozy times.
If someone made me stay in a warm shower all day, it would amount to torture. It is only delightful, because it doesn't last forever.
I was at a health fair at a prison on top of a hill today. I had to drag my display and screening materials across the parking lot through puddles in a cold driving rain and load them in the car. I got home and fixed myself a warm cup of tea.
If I am grateful for the tea and the shower and the snuggle time, I guess I should also be grateful for the unpleasant times that put the delight in the pleasant ones.
Perhaps this is what is meant by "in everything give thanks."

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