Saturday, February 21, 2015

In the Terminal

I suppose that talking on a cell phone in an airport departure lounge surrounded by strangers seems like a “safe” thing to do.  No one there actually knows you, so knowing your business probably seems like no biggie.  But, do you really want to entertain those of us listening?  At one point, the cellphone talker walked out into the corridor and my eyes met with those of two other individuals in the vicinity.  I said nothing, but the other two made comments to each other about having to listen to this woman’s business. So, even though the lady repeatedly walked out into the corridor, thinking she had greater privacy there, I learned the following:

She is a single mother whose daughter lives with her parents.  They aren’t happy that she keeps taking off to follow her dreams leaving the child with them.

She works in the film industry and is currently working on a fairly low budget project.

Someone is very unhappy with her.  I am not sure if this is someone working on editing a script or someone waiting for the completed script, but no amount of begging “please, trust me” was cutting it with S……. (I’m not going to use her real name).

After a long and distressing phone call with the upset S……, she talked with a confidant, sharing that at the age of 40, she was questioning everything about herself and her career.  Should she back off or jump in with both feet.

She is in a relationship, and I am unsure how secure it is. 

She works on projects with her brother.

I don’t know if she was talking to her brother or her special friend when she encouraged him to remember that:  “The universe is working toward a higher order at all times.”

I was trying very hard NOT to listen to her and to read my Time magazine, but the printed page is no match for live drama unfolding.  There was a large white space on the page I was reading when she came out with this tidbit about the universe, and I wrote it down in the space, so I wouldn’t forget it.  I guess this is New Age thought.  It certainly doesn’t sync with what I learned about thermodynamics in physics class.

The flight was delayed, but the time passed rapidly between my magazine and the drama of the the cell phone calls.  I found myself wishing I could talk with this woman, but at the same time thinking, what would I even use as a point in common from which I could develop a meaningful conversation?  So I prayed for her then, and I have several times since.

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