Saturday, October 27, 2018

Deliver Us from Evil

I can’t find Children’s Memorial Hospital on a Chicago map, so I guess it no longer exists.  In 1965 when I was a nursing student in the Chicago area, I spent three months at that hospital for my pediatric rotation.  I could write several blogs about experiences I had there, and I’m not sure why this one is coming to mind today.  Perhaps it is because of all the current media attention to sexual harassment.

The hospital took up a triangular shaped block on the northside of Chicago, not very far from Lake Michigan.  A park on the shore of the lake was an easy walk from the nurses’ residence which was across the street from the hospital itself and connected by a tunnel.  In addition to the tunnel providing for safely crossing the street away from traffic and out of the weather, it also kept us safe from the neighborhood which was a bit sketchy.  It wasn’t a good place to walk alone. 

On one occasion, I planned to return to my home hospital for a couple of days to work on my days off.  I was starting to save money for college.  I had to walk a couple of blocks to the nearest station for the elevated train.  It was broad daylight, so I didn’t expect any problem.  I was on a busy street.  But, I noticed a man ahead of me who had stopped and was staring at me with interest.  I thought about crossing the street, but traffic was coming steadily, and I was in the middle of a block.  I was carrying a suitcase.  As I got near him, he said, “What’s the matter, doll?  Gotta leave town?”

I ignored him.  He repeated his questions.  This time I just uttered a “yup,” not making eye contact.

As I passed, he called after me, “Too bad….cute little doll like you!”

I can only imagine what would have happened if I had been in distress and actually contemplating leaving town.  I’m pretty sure he would have offered to “help.”

Although that was a bit unnerving, it did not compare with another incident when I was walking alone.  Sometimes I just needed to get away and out for some fresh air.  One evening when no one else was available, I decided to walk to the park by Lake Michigan by myself.  I had a nice stroll through the park and as dusk approached, I had turned to head home, when two policemen walked toward me.

“You shouldn’t be down here walking by yourself.”

I replied, “I’m heading home right now.”

One of them said, “It isn’t safe here.  We have animals that swing out of the trees.”

“Yeah,” said the other, “and some of them wear blue uniforms.”

My heart skipped a couple of beats….were they saying I couldn’t trust even them?
I tried hard to show no fear and kept walking.

I also showed no fear the evening I was walking up the stairs to the elevated train platform and a young man was standing under the stairs “exhibiting.”  If he was expecting a scream, he was disappointed.  I acted like I didn’t even notice.

Looking back on this now, I’m thinking, “Wow, this all happened within a 3-month period about the time of my 20th birthday.   Why was I able to handle this?”

Someone was probably praying for my safety, as I now pray for the safety of my granddaughters.   “O God, don’t let evil come near them!”

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