Thursday, April 7, 2011

What to do?

All the discretionary time in life quickly disappears when a family member is hospitalized, as my mother-in-law has been since last Sunday.  We are running from one thing to the next trying to spend as much time as possible with her.
She is 92 and confused.  Whether this is just another step in a progressive dementia or whether she has had a stroke which triggered the abrupt escalation of her confusion is still unclear.  Because her situation has not stabilized yet, we aren't sure what the next step will be.
It seems apparent that my 93 year-old father-in-law cannot care for her at home and that the amount of time we previously had caregivers in the house will now be woefully inadequate.  Where to from here?
What a difficult time for a family!  Nursing home care is not really what we desire, but the logistics of round-the-clock home care are enormous.  
Thirteen years ago, my mother had a massive stroke.  I took care of her at home 24/7 for 5 months.  But....I am 13 years older now.  I wish I could do for my mother-in-law what I did for my mother, but I am just not physically capable of it now.
Life is full of extraordinarily difficult decisions!

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