Sunday, April 24, 2011

Celebrating Easter in China 2011

The news today tells us that China has refused to allow one of the major "house churches" to gather for their Easter service.  I suppose the authorities think they are accomplishing something with that action.  Ironically, it doesn't matter how they try to suppress and oppress.  Christianity has always prospered under persecution, because truth is truth whether or not those in authority decide to acknowledge it.

Christ is risen!  He did not stay in the tomb.  He conquered death and sin fully and completely, and demonstrated His victory in the resurrection.  Of course, not everyone believes this.  But, for those of us who do, it is empowering.  Sin and evil have no more control over us. Human governments and authorities may appear to be "winning," but we know who will win ultimately.  Every knee will bow to Him and every tongue will confess Him as Lord.....even the Chinese government.  Won't they be surprised?

Occasionally someone from China reads this blog.  If readers are believers, my prayers are with you.  If you are not, consider which side of this you want to be on.

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