Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dumb or Smart?

The question of the day is whether I am dumb for getting myself in a jam, or smart for getting myself out of it.

I took a break from the sorting and packing in preparation for moving and ran out for a few groceries.  After shopping I placed the groceries in the cargo area of my station wagon, slammed down the door, and came to the sickening realization that the car keys were now locked inside the car.  I had placed them on the edge of the trunk area while loading the groceries.  Although the remote control that opens the door electronically was the item on the key ring that was wedged in the door, there had not been a direct hit on the button which makes the horn sound incessantly.  That was the good news.  A resounding horn would have attracted attention to my bone-headed maneuver.  It also meant that although the door was locked and I could not open it, the thickness of the remote was creating somewhat of a gap.

After calling my husband to come with his set of keys, I decided to use the wait productively.  The keys were tantalizingly visible through the gap.  First I inserted a pen to try and fish them out.  No luck.  Then I remembered that I usually have a small screwdriver in my purse.  I wiggled the screw driver in and tried moving the keys into various positions, hoping that I could snag a key and somehow pull the whole thing out.  Several minutes of this proved futile.

Eventually I realized that I could pull the car key itself completely outside the door.  I then used the screwdriver to open up the ring that was holding it.  I could not grasp the entire ring since a good portion of it was under the door, but once I had it spread open, I was able to get a good enough grip to twist it until the key was free of the ring.

I opened the trunk and the car door and called my husband to cancel his emergency run.

I have no idea if anyone was watching me do all this.  I suppose it was amusing if some man was sitting in the car waiting for his grocery-shopping wife.  Glad to provide some entertainment.

I suppose I could spiritualize this experience and say how grateful I am that God allowed the gap in the door and enabled me to solve this.  I am indeed grateful for all the ways in which God watches out for me.  But, I keep coming back to the question:  Was I dumb to get into this mess or smart to get out of it?  I'm thinking both.

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