Showing posts with label resurrection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resurrection. Show all posts

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Power of the Resurrection

How can death be reversed?
What power can bring this about?
Electrical current may restart a silent heart...
What if the heart has not beaten for three days?

What happened that Easter morning?
Did the infinite touch the finite?
Was an image really scorched...
the now ancient Shroud of Turin?

What is the power of the resurrection?
How can my mind comprehend this?
Are the scriptures true that say..
this power...
Is available to those who believe?

How can death be reversed?
What happened that Easter morning?
How is the power of the resurrection...
To my life today?

Can I access the power by faith?
Can I allow it to course through my soul?
Is there unlimited strength with which...
to confront..
The seemingly unlimited struggles of life?

I pray that you may know his incomparably great power.
That power is like the working of his mighty strength,
Which he exerted in Christ Jesus
He raised him from the dead.*

Sovereign Lord, Creator, Sustainer
By faith I acknowledge you,
Pour into my frailty, the Spirit
Fills and fulfills, consumes and empowers.

*(from Ephesians 1:18-20)