Thursday, October 10, 2019

Witness to History

It seems that as a white evangelical, I am being encouraged to blindly support President Trump, which I cannot.  On the other hand, because I have in the past encouraged that the left back off from criticizing absolutely everything he does, I have been accused of being a Trump supporter.

If one were to bother to look at a blog I wrote during the lead-up to the 2016 election, it would be clear that I did not want Trump as president, but that I feared we might get what we “deserved” as a nation rather than what we “needed.”  That is what happened.  The choice between Trump and Hillary was an impossible one to make.  They have both shown themselves to have a problem with truth, although Trump certainly has less finesse in twisting the facts and does it with alarming egotism.

I understand why white evangelicals have supported Trump.  He has dangled conservative values in front of us.  He has not, however, lived conservative values himself.  He is playing a game and may abruptly betray those values.  How do you trust someone who distorts the truth, tosses wives aside, and is incessantly boastful?

I have, however, also been disturbed by the left picking at every little thing he has done.  Some of the criticisms are just plain illogical.  I am perfectly fine with a valid criticism, but everything he has done has not been wrong, and everyone he has appointed is not an incompetent idiot.  When you criticize everything, you lose the ability to level a valid criticism.  You have cried “wolf” so many times, that no one can tell when it’s for real.  So, to impeach or not?  Whose version of the events are we to believe?  Is this just another in the list of ways that liberals and progressives have tried to find an excuse to oust Trump, or can someone actually document his misdeeds?  Which media outlet are we to believe? 

Now he is abruptly pulling out of Mideast conflicts.  Whether he approves of Turkey’s invasion of Syria or is simply looking the other way, I don’t know.  Abandonment of the Kurds is nauseating.  BUT…it does seem to be a step in the fulfillment of prophecy regarding what will happen as the world’s clock ticks down to midnight, and the rightful KING returns.  An alliance between Turkey and Russia will happen.  Invasion of Israel will happen. 

Trump thinks he is a “stable genius” with “great and unmatched wisdom.”  He is actually a pawn in the hand of God to bring about God’s plan to draw the world to its predicted close.  The majority of people won’t believe this.  Trump certainly doesn’t.  But, God is sovereign in the affairs of men even when that is not obvious to us.  It won’t be the first time God has used someone who is amoral, maybe even mentally unbalanced, to bring about His purposes.

We are witnesses to an amazing time in human history, but instead of standing in awe, most of us are more concerned with who will win the current Survivor, and whether Ziva and Tony will reunite.

Come, Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Great one Aunt Ruth. Would love to talk about this one more. I usually don't talk politics in our home but I couldn't help myself this week. So at dinner I said I really thought Trump may be mentally unhinged. You don't need Democrats to tell you. Just listen to him and it makes you question his sanity.
