Thursday, August 2, 2018

Truth vs Lies

I am not in favor of lying…. not ever…not for any reason.  I am not sure if I could lie to save my life, or even the life of someone I loved.

Ironically, I was once accused of lying by the same person(s) who accused me of being too truthful…of telling the truth when I didn’t need to do so.  It is a compulsion I have.  I sometimes go into more detail than necessary, in an effort to be perfectly clear and to make sure a situation is not misrepresented.

I know President Trump “lies” and I know the press “lies.”  That is, they both misrepresent the truth.  They are both so accustomed to lying that the don’t know how to be totally truthful.

I think Trump’s condition may be pathological.  He has his own version of reality, and it is so altered from the reality of most of the world that he doesn’t even recognize he is in an alternate universe.  I am sick of hearing about every one of his lies in the media.  If I protest to this nitpicking on Facebook, I get accused of defending him.  I think his critics should stop picking at every little thing.  That just weakens their arguments and makes them look like whiners.  They should just wait until they can catch him in something huge and impeachable. 

But, who is going to monitor the media?

The media always has an agenda and makes the facts fit it.  Over the years, I have been involved in public meetings where the media was present.  I was there.  I knew what happened.  But, it was hardly recognizable when I read about it in the paper the next day.  The reporter would not report on the meeting as a whole or even the most important elements.  He/She would pick an obscure but controversial part of the meeting and blow it up into the whole article.  Technically the reporter was telling “the truth,” but he/she was totally misrepresenting the situation.  That is not honesty.  That is having an agenda and squeezing the facts into it.  It might be called “fake news,” although perhaps not by Trump’s definition of “fake news.”  In any event, I am cautious about believing what I read or hear on the news.

When Christ was being questioned by Pilate, he said, “…I came into the world, to testify to the truth.  Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

Pilate replied, “What is truth?”

And that is a very good question appropriate for today.  Truth is very hard to find…that is, TRUE TRUTH.  How does one discover actual facts, that have not been bent or distorted or placed in an altered context?  Pilate didn’t know and neither do I.


I do know that Jesus and a relationship with him are still the answer to life’s huge questions.  I cling to the promise that someday the crooked will be made straight.

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.  Hebrews 4:13

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