Sunday, January 3, 2010


Twice in the past 3 days, I have found a burner on the stove with nothing on it. Each time my dear husband has recently made himself a cup of tea, apparently removing the tea kettle from the hot burner, but forgetting to turn it off. The second time this occurred, I said, "Sometimes I worry about you!"
"And with good reason," he responded with a wry grin.
This morning I went upstairs for the express purpose of getting a coffee mug I remembered that I had left in the bathroom. Once upstairs, I used the bathroom and came back down without the mug. My husband was sitting in the front hall putting on his boots when I came through sputtering about my forgetfulness.
"Wouldn't it be awful if one of us grew old and the other didn't?" he asked.
Hmmm....that's true, but it is going to be pretty grim if we both get exceedingly forgetful.
I had a great-aunt and uncle who managed to function after he lost his physical strength, because she was still strong. She, however, lost her marbles, and he supplied the brain power for the duo. It was an arrangement that allowed them to manage in their own home right up until the end....they died within 24 hours of each other.
What happens when both members of the partnership become senile?
Sure hope we don't find out....or more accurately that our children don't find out. If we both lose it, we may not even realize it...or maybe we will each think the other one is loony.
So much to look forward to!

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