Showing posts with label Poet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poet. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Tangled Skein

As I knit and pull the yarn from the skein,

Sometimes I discover a terrible tangle.

The yarn should pull out easily from

The center of the skein…and does not.


My husband was expert at undoing tangles.

He did not knit, but he unknotted,

Untwisted and straightened out,

Allowing me to move forward.


I went to him with things other than knitting.

We talked about my life tangles.

What should have been easy to resolve,

Sometimes was not.


He was expert at listening, questioning.

He was my sounding board,

Giving clarity in the convoluted maze.

His insights helped me to move forward.


Now as I pull on the yarn of my life.

The skein looks good on the surface.

The knots and tangles are inside,

And I miss my expert untangler.


My helper himself turned to an Almighty God,

Omniscient and aware of all the knots.

It has always been the divine Hand,

Straightening the tangled skein of my life.


My dearest love’s hand is no longer with me,

But the divine Hand can never be lost.