Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Special Treasure Hunt

Recently my five year-old granddaughter along with her parents and siblings visited me at my cottage.  The very first day, she was very anxious to take me on a treasure hunt.  She had hidden some treasures for me, and she had drawn a treasure map.  The map was very crude…she is after all only five…and I would never have guessed where the treasure was from the map alone.  She took my hand and guided me in the general direction.  She also gave me the hint that the treasure was in a round building.  She pointed out that on her map there was an X in the middle of a circle.

There are only two circular buildings on the campgrounds…the Main Tab (which means tabernacle and is where religious services are held) and a Gazebo which is a lovely spot with hanging baskets of flowers.

She steered me in the direction of the Gazebo, and there right in the middle was a Ziploc bag containing items which would be treasures to a five-year-old.  Shiny objects of various types filled the bag…beads and coins and fake jewels.  She was very pleased that I had found it.  I was relieved we had gone on the treasure hunt before some other child came along and found the treasure, since it was in plain sight.

As we returned to my cottage, she said, “I want you to put the treasure map on your refrigerator, because I don’t want you to forget me.”

How could I possibly forget her!  I would have to be in a state of extreme dementia to forget any of my grandchildren!

But, I did put the map on the frig along with other grandchild created items.

Reflecting on this, I have thought about the fact that God never forgets His children.  He doesn’t have a refrigerator on which to put our pictures or drawings, but He has carved our name in the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16)

I have a ring with the birthstones of my children and grandchildren.  It reminds me to pray for them, but carving our name in His palms is a step way beyond that.  I could become senile and forgetful, but God will not…cannot.  What a comforting thought!

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