Tuesday, October 4, 2022

My Plans vs God's Plans

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.    Proverbs 16:9


I had planned to ride out the uncomfortable aftermath of Hurricane Ian in my apartment without water, power or air-conditioning.  My children did not agree with this plan and made some plans of their own to extract me.  I had no say in this.

Yesterday, my son called me concerned that I had felt “strong-armed.”  Well, yes…I was strong-armed, but that doesn’t mean that I was angry or resentful.  I have lived 77 years, and I have learned that we can and should make plans, but we need to realize that our plans may not always be realized.  I have learned that God uses circumstances and other people to alter our plans, and when that happens, we need to realize it may well be His way of directing us.


It was not my plan to marry a businessman.  I was figuring on a doctor, missionary or college professor.  But, I had nearly 54 wonderful years with a CEO who was a man of exceptional kindness and integrity.

I was not planning on a pregnancy in my forties.  We had three teenage daughters and thought we would soon have an “empty nest.”  But, I have an amazing son planned by God.

I had not planned to leave a church I had attended over 30 years.  The leaving was terribly painful, but I could write a book about the blessings that resulted from what appeared horrible at the time.

I had not planned to lose my husband May 16th of this year.  I had planned we would continue to grow old together for at least another 10 years.  I can’t yet understand why this happened, and I don’t know what good will come of it, but God does.

I will continue to make plans, but I will continue to delight in God’s provision for me.  I may be disappointed when things don’t go my way.  I may be sad enough to cry every day, as has happened with the loss of my dear husband.  However, God’s plans are always better than mine.  I rest in His sovereignty.


1 comment:

  1. Ruthie, I have been praying for you and am enjoying reading your short stories. Have a wonderful visit with your family. Did you know that my granddaughter is named after your Janelle?
