Sunday, August 16, 2020

Jesus Loves the Little Children

 I hate lots of things about the world we live in…especially lately.  There is so much hatred and turmoil, so much that is evil happening.  But, what is happening to children is what bothers me the most.  I wonder if I am turning into my mother.

After my mother had the massive stroke and could no longer express herself clearly in words, she would become agitated if we turned on the news, and she saw something bad had happened to a child.  I am getting to the point where every time I see an article or hear a story about a child being harmed, it is like a gut punch.  I feel a wave of nausea.  I don’t understand it, and I want it to stop.

Sometimes children are “collateral damage.”  Someone in their neighborhood or even their parents are involved with drugs, and there is a shooting, and the child is hurt or killed.  Sometimes we see pictures of parents sitting in the front of the car passed out from drugs, and there are children strapped in carseats in the back.  Children are abducted and trafficked.  Children wander through bombed out streets in war zones alone and helpless.  A child may be tortured or purposely killed…sometimes even by a parent.  By a parent?


Actually, I know what is wrong.  People are so steeped in sin and have so little regard for themselves, that they don’t see the value in the continuation of the human race.  Anyone who has self-respect and an appreciation for his/her own life would value the life of a child.  All children…children of every race and color, children who are “perfect” and children who are not so perfect, children who are endearing and children who are annoying, children who are ones own flesh and children who are not genetically related, children in our own homes and children on the other side of the world.  Every child should be cared for and loved.  My heart breaks for those who are not.

I suppose such feelings are why I have two adopted children along with the biological ones.  I can’t help every child, but I could care for two who were not my own flesh.  I know sometimes they haven’t appreciated me, but I know they are better off having been in our home than if they had grown up elsewhere.

We, who do value life itself, need to do what we can to care for all children.  Not everyone can adopt or foster a child, but anyone can give a word of kindness or a cookie to a child in the neighborhood, make a donation to an organization that meets the needs of children,  be involved in children’s clubs or teams.  There are many ways to care.  Perhaps the most important way is to introduce them to Jesus, who will always love them and never let them down.

Let the little children come to me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.  (Matthew 19:14)


Jesus love the little children,

All the children of the world,

Red and yellow, black and white,

All are precious in His sight.

Jesus love the little children of the world.


If my heart is breaking for the children of the world, what is happening to His? 


What will He do when He has had enough of this and He judges the world?

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