Saturday, March 10, 2018

What Do You Have to Offer Me?

I just had two handsome and polite young men come to my door.  They were Jehovah Witnesses and they are walking through the neighborhood inviting people to attend an event commemorating the death of Christ where the question, “Who Really Is Jesus Christ?” will be answered.

I am so sorry for these young men.  I know that Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 144,000 will be able to enter heaven.  I know from someone who explored this faith and attended a communion service, that when the elements are passed, only those who believe they are one of the 144,000 are supposed to partake.  She said that in the service she attended, the bread and wine symbolizing the body and blood of Christ offered for our redemption were not taken by anyone!

I told the young men that I was a born-again Christian and that since I had assurance of heaven, they had nothing to offer me.  They did not argue.  They thanked me for my time and left.

I know who Jesus Christ really is.  He was fully God and fully man.  God incarnated in human flesh.  Sinless, so that he could take on my sin and your sin.  He was the perfect sacrifice for sin.  He not only paid the price, but he rose again and conquered death itself.  Because of this, I can have eternal life and spend it in heaven enjoying his presence.

AND….I can do nothing to earn it.  My “good works” do not make up for my sin, do not atone for me.  Anything I do that can be construed as “good” is an act of love to him.  I do not earn heaven on my merits.  I accept it as a gift from his nail-pierced hand.  I take communion with that thought in my mind and heart.

Before they left, I told the young men that I have a list on my refrigerator of the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses who come to my door, and I pray for them.  I actually do.  Over the years I have developed quite a collection:  Star, Kelly, Powell, Dodds, Cardona, Betts, Ball, McKinzie, Null, Shock, Orr, Rother, George, John, Tristan and Zach.  I pray that their eyes will be opened and that they will see Jesus as their Savior in a very personal and real way.  I pray I will see them in heaven.

They have nothing to offer me, but God is offering something amazing to them.

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