Monday, February 17, 2014

Advice Regarding Genius

The news is currently reporting yet another child who is a "genius," perhaps smarter than Einstein.  Every time I see such things, I cringe.  If the parent is seeking publicity for a pre-schooler with a high IQ, a couple of mistakes have already been made.

Here is my advice on the subject.

1.       Do NOT have the IQ measured.  It is best if you and the child do NOT know.  There is nothing to be gained by having that number to cite.

2.       Do NOT seek publicity or join Mensa.  It can't possibly help the child.

3.       Homeschool the child allowing him/her to explore his/her interests, using non-traditional methods, but also making sure all the bases are covered.  Don't allow the child's knowledge base to become lop-sided.

4.       Aggressively seek out opportunities for socialization through the Y, clubs, church activities, neighborhood friends.  School is not a good setting for socialization.  It just means your child's schoolmates are slapped in the face with his/her brilliance every day, and your child is confused because his supposed peers aren't peers at all.

5.       Do not push the child in order to satisfy your own ego.  Wait until the child asks to take college courses, even if it is 2 or 3 years later than you think the child could handle it.

6.      Make sure the child does things which are physically active.  You don’t need to push a sport, but don’t neglect the physical in an attempt to develop the intellectual.

7.  Don't fail to help the child understand that there is no reason for arrogance.  He/she was given a gift and could just have easily been born without it.  He/she is responsible to use that gift wisely for the benefit of others.

No matter how smart you are, the odds are good that there is someone somewhere who is actually smarter.

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