Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Hand Unseen

The hand unseen weaves quietly,
The fabric of my life.
Each fiber hand-crafted,
Colored and formed by the Master.

The hand unseen soothes gently,
The turmoil that surrounds.
Touching my fevered brow,
With a cooling holy calm.

The hand unseen pushes firmly,
As I fearfully take a step,
On a path unknown to me,
But plotted out by Him.

The hand unseen works swiftly,
Laying out the next tile,
Of the winding pathway,
His omniscience, my faith combining.

The hand unseen covers securely,
When the winds of life howl,
When the piercing cold or heat,
Threatens my spirit’s survival.

In astonishment I stand before,
In gratitude I bow to,
In relief I lean against,
The loving unseen hand.

1 comment:

  1. Well that made my day! Thank you for starting my morning with your beautiful poem. I'm holding his hand and I'll never let go.
    Thank you for last night. Wonderful people. Wonderful cause. Amazing God who won't let go of me or you either.
    Blessings, my friend.
