Monday, September 28, 2020

Lift the Torch

 But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze.  Isaiah 50:11


I lift high the torch of my own accomplishments.

Of my talents,

Of my intelligence,

And great wisdom.


As I encounter the winds of life, my torch



Fades to an ember.


Criticism by others and self-doubt, leave my torch,

And my soul,

In a sodden

Miserable heap.


Compared to the torches of others, my torch

Is but a spark.

Compared to the sun

It is nothing.


I stumble in darkness.


But, into my hands is placed another torch,

The Light of the World,

He in whom is

No darkness.


Lift high the Light!


In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  John 1:4

Sunday, September 13, 2020

No, Nancy, it is not Mother Earth who is angry!

 Nancy Pelosi says that, “Mother Earth is angry.”

I find it fascinating that instead of indicating that God might be at work, people anthropomorphize “Mother Earth” or “Mother Nature.”  We all know that these mythical beings are not real, but people can be so desperate not to get caught admitting that there may be a God at work, that they try to give thought and emotion to mythical constructs.

The world is currently a mess.  We want to blame everything and everyone rather than realizing that it is God who is angry about our sin.

Wild fires?  Climate change

Hurricanes?  Climate change

The pandemic?  The Chinese

Race Riots?  Law enforcement discrimination

Locusts in Africa?  Probably climate change too.

Explosion in Beirut?  Careless government

Political upheaval?  The Democrats or the Republicans, depending on your perspective

From Hebrews chapter 10:  If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.  Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.  How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood…that sanctified them…? It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

From Romans chapter 2:  …as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.  They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.  They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.

What we are seeing now is just the beginning.  I suppose for those who don’t believe in God, it seems like I have gone off the deep end and next thing you know, I will be walking around dressed in sackcloth, carrying a sign that says, “REPENT FOR THE END IS AT HAND!”  This post is an attempt to do that virtually.


Excerpt from Matthew 24, Christ is speaking to his disciples:  You will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed.  Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise against nation…There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All of these are the beginning of birth pains…. False Messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive…the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky…and all the people of the earth with mourn when they see the Son of Man coming…with power and great glory.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  But about that day or hour no one knows…only the Father.  …keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

If our current situation doesn’t get our attention, I’m not sure what will.   Revelation 8:10 does predict “a great star, blazing like a torch” falling from the sky.  Meteor?  Asteroid?  I don’t think that could reasonably be explained as “Mother Earth” being angry.  Will that wake people up?  I doubt it.  If you don’t want to believe in a sovereign God, there are loads of ways to delude yourself and explain away frightening occurrences.

There is no “Mother Earth.”  There is a God who is sovereign in the affairs of men.  He can take situations which seem truly awful and use them for His glory.  He will bring about His purposes no matter how badly the forces of evil try to prevent them.  God’s mind is not only superior to ours.  It is superior to that of Satan and his cohorts.  When Christ was crucified, the Devil thought he had won.  It wasn’t until the resurrection that he realized that it was God who had won the ultimate victory.

God is trying to get our attention through the circumstances going on around us.  The Devil thinks he is winning.  He is not.  You may think we are not seeing the hand of God…that what we are experiencing is climate change or poor government or a host of other causes.  Don’t be mistaken, God uses such things.  We need as individuals, as a nation, as a human family to come to a place of repentance.

It is, indeed, a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Trump and the Nobel

 When I woke up this morning and checked the news, I was astonished to see that Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.  I looked to make sure that the source wasn’t the Babylon Bee.  When I realized it was one of my regular news sources, I thought, “Oh, Wow!  Here it comes…a deluge of negativity!”

Every time I try to put some comments out there to balance the negativity against Trump, I get accused of being a supporter.  I do NOT like Trump as a person, but I suppose that I am a supporter in the sense that I don’t like to see him accused unfairly, and I think that often happens.

Before Trump was even a candidate for anything, I mentioned him in a blog post I wrote, as an example of ostentatious display of wealth in a world…and even a nation…where poverty exists.  During the primaries, I wrote a post in which I hoped with all my heart that he and Hillary would not be our choices.  But, once the man was president, I thought we ought to give him a fair chance.

I was appalled that no matter how qualified the people he appointed to positions were, the liberal camp found a way to shred them.  I was disgusted to hear him referred to as “the orange one.”  Would liberals have tolerated Obama being called “the black one?”  I tried to point out that when you criticize a person on every little point, you lose your credibility when you criticize them on the larger more significant points.  Yes…criticize him…but do it over something valid and significant.  I had someone “unfriend” me, because I either didn’t explain myself clearly on this point, or he/she didn’t understand what I was trying to say.  Or perhaps, Trump made the person so angry that the lashing out was just irrational.

Trump is a divisive figure.  He is rude, narcissistic and indiscreet.  But, he is not the first president we have had to be rude, even crude. (I have read that LBJ referred to his penis as Jumbo and sometimes displayed it.)  Most people who rise to this level of power are a tad narcissistic.  Most are not so indiscreet.  (Kennedy and Clinton attempted to hide their sexual dalliances.) Most have managed to hide their sins and personality flaws.  Unfortunately, we now have Twitter, and a world full of people, including our president, who think that everything they think (or eat) is of great interest to the rest of the world.  Things tumble out in the moment unfiltered.  Lots of people do this…but lots of people aren’t the POTUS.

The media are not the least bit helpful in gaining an accurate picture of what Trump has actually done.  Currently he is being criticized for saying that war heroes are “losers and suckers.”  We have all heard him refer to people as “losers,” and even disparage John McCain.  I don’t think we have actually heard him refer to our war dead as “losers,” but the liberal media is inclined to believe it.  Meanwhile, conservative media outlets have countered with numerous sources that say this is absolutely not true.  Interestingly, the liberal camp is keeping its source(s) anonymous, while the conservative side is naming theirs.  Truth???  How can we possibly know?

So, how can we know through the media whether or not Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize?  He has been nominated by a Norwegian parliament member for brokering diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE.  This has, heretofore, been barely mentioned in the mainstream media.  They are too busy with the covid pandemic, and the BLM protests and counterprotests, and the California wildfires which are, they assure us, caused by climate change.  Whether Trump actually wins the prize remains to be seen.  The nominator believes he is more deserving than Obama was.  (Gasp!)

I am heartsick over the venom being spewed by both the supporters and detractors of Trump.  He is someone who cannot and will not be ignored.  But, neither party gave us a stellar choice last time, and they aren’t doing so this time either.

Many years ago, when I was an instructor in a school of Nursing, a person was brought in to do group sessions with the students.  I was not privy to what went on there, but I got the impression that the students were encouraged to be open in their criticism of each other.  One of the other faculty members made the comment, “When he is done encouraging them to tear each other apart, who is going to put them back together?”

When we are done tearing each other apart, who is going to put us as a nation back together?  I fear that no matter who wins the upcoming election, the tears in the fabric of our nation will be deeper and wider.  Whether or not Trump wins the Nobel Peace Prize isn’t really the issue.  Who will bring peace to us personally and as a nation?


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  John 14:27

Friday, September 4, 2020

The Shroud

 On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations, he will swallow up death forever.  The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces...Isaiah 25:7,8

I can see it coming slowly closer.  It drifts toward me.  Sometimes its movement is barely perceptible; other times it seems to descend rapidly.  I know that one day this black sheet will cover and entangle me.  It will impede my movements.  I will not be able to reach out toward my family and friends, because it will bind me.  It will muffle my cries and laughter and whispers and songs, so that no one else can hear them.

The shroud is enormous and all encompassing.  I realize that it will not only envelope me, but all those that I love.  They too will be wrapped and bound in its folds.  I want to protect them, but I do not even know how to save myself from its steady descent toward me.

My mind and soul are filled with dark and depressing images. Is there no help?  I weep in despair and cry out for someone to intercede and stop the inevitable.

But what is this?  By a miracle I do not understand, the shroud begins to retreat!  It is gathered up, wadded up, and cast away by someone whose face radiates love.  He reaches down and with the sleeve of his own garment wipes the tears from my face.  The fabric of death is gone.  The fabric which covers him is dazzling, brilliant white.  For the first time, I see all things clearly, and I bow before him.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Thoughts in the Night


Yesterday I read an article in Time magazine about research that is being done regarding what the brain does at night while we sleep.  This is a topic I find quite fascinating, as I am aware that my brain seems to be very busy at night.  It is not unusual for me to wake up with an idea for a poem, as though my brain has been working on assembling ideas while I slept.

Over the past 3-4 weeks, I have been working on a short story.  I think I have decided not to try and get it published, but rather to just post it on where I have some other short stories posted.  The current story still needs some editing, but I am also struggling with what to use for a title.  I asked a friend to read it and see if she could come up with a title.  She did come up with three possibilities depending on what I perceive as my audience.

Well…what is my audience?  I’m not sure.  Any one of her ideas would require some rewriting…for example introducing a certain idea earlier in the story or expanding on an idea from the story.  Not being able to make a decision, I decided to put it on the back burner for a few days.

Last night, I woke up at 3:30 AM with a single word in my mind.  It was a word neither she nor I had thought of in connection with the story, but which would have a double meaning in the story.  It would take minimal rewriting to make it a logical title.  I haven’t decided yet if I will use it, but it fascinates me that some portion of my brain thinks it’s a great idea.

It is as though part of my brain came up with the notion and then shook the other part of my brain awake.

“Hey, hey!  Wake up!  I’ve got this great idea.  How can you sleep when I have something to tell you?”

“Uh…duh…can’t thish wait to mmmmmorninnnnn….zzzzz”

“No!  Of course not, you’ll forget it if I don’t have your full attention.”

“Sigh…do I have to write it down?  Can’t you remind me in the morning?”

I didn’t write it down, but I did remember it in the morning.  I hope that part of my brain is pleased with itself.  Otherwise, who knows what will happen tonight?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Thoughts on Being Illiterate

 Today at the eye doctor’s office, I saw an elderly gentleman who was accompanied by an elderly lady.  I first assumed she was his wife, but later decided she was an aide.  He seemed somewhat confused, so he may have had dementia.  However, I also heard him tell the clerk checking him in, that he could not read.  The woman with him filled out the forms and had him sign them.  When she turned the forms in, I heard her apologize for his signature and say that he had done the best he could.

It made me think again about how difficult it is for people who can’t read.  When I worked at a small rural hospital enrolling men in a research project, I encountered other men who could not read.  None of them ever told me in so many words that they couldn’t read.  I figured it out over time.  I realized that certain men when they came to see me always brought their wives or girlfriends with them, and that the ladies were very attentive to documents I gave to the men.  So without commenting on their lack of reading ability, I would just read the documents to them.  After a couple of visits, I gathered that the ladies decided they could trust me to be honest and helpful, and they stopped attending every appointment.

None of these men were lacking in intelligence.  All of them had jobs with which they supported their family, but they had jobs which didn’t require a great deal of reading.  Two of them were farmers and one was a janitor.  I suspect the farmers had help with record keeping from their significant others.

One of my children is dyslexic and had a very difficult time learning to read.  She eventually did learn and does sometimes read for enjoyment, but there are many times she just avoids reading.  She doesn’t seem to be able to quickly scan a package in the grocery store for information.  I don’t think she reads recipes if she can help it.

Not being able to read can cause some very awkward situations.  Seeing the gentleman today reminded me of a situation in which I unwittingly embarrassed a man with very poor reading ability.  I taught an adult Sunday School class, and sometimes when we read a passage in the Bible, I would have each person in the group read a verse or two.  I had no idea that I had someone in the class who read very poorly.  The man was married to a teacher, and I never suspected that he had this problem until we were reading around the circle, and we came to him.  He stumbled through the verse with great difficulty.  I felt terrible about placing him in the situation.  I wished I had asked for volunteers to read or that he had just said he wished to “pass.”  I don’t think I ever went around in a circle like that again.

People who are illiterate are NOT necessarily stupid.  Some people just can’t read.  Their brains aren’t wired to do it.  They might have really excelled if they had been born into a primitive culture where different skills were valued.  In our culture, it is increasingly the geeks who have risen to the top.  I suspect many of them would have died off in the jungle.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Jesus Loves the Little Children

 I hate lots of things about the world we live in…especially lately.  There is so much hatred and turmoil, so much that is evil happening.  But, what is happening to children is what bothers me the most.  I wonder if I am turning into my mother.

After my mother had the massive stroke and could no longer express herself clearly in words, she would become agitated if we turned on the news, and she saw something bad had happened to a child.  I am getting to the point where every time I see an article or hear a story about a child being harmed, it is like a gut punch.  I feel a wave of nausea.  I don’t understand it, and I want it to stop.

Sometimes children are “collateral damage.”  Someone in their neighborhood or even their parents are involved with drugs, and there is a shooting, and the child is hurt or killed.  Sometimes we see pictures of parents sitting in the front of the car passed out from drugs, and there are children strapped in carseats in the back.  Children are abducted and trafficked.  Children wander through bombed out streets in war zones alone and helpless.  A child may be tortured or purposely killed…sometimes even by a parent.  By a parent?


Actually, I know what is wrong.  People are so steeped in sin and have so little regard for themselves, that they don’t see the value in the continuation of the human race.  Anyone who has self-respect and an appreciation for his/her own life would value the life of a child.  All children…children of every race and color, children who are “perfect” and children who are not so perfect, children who are endearing and children who are annoying, children who are ones own flesh and children who are not genetically related, children in our own homes and children on the other side of the world.  Every child should be cared for and loved.  My heart breaks for those who are not.

I suppose such feelings are why I have two adopted children along with the biological ones.  I can’t help every child, but I could care for two who were not my own flesh.  I know sometimes they haven’t appreciated me, but I know they are better off having been in our home than if they had grown up elsewhere.

We, who do value life itself, need to do what we can to care for all children.  Not everyone can adopt or foster a child, but anyone can give a word of kindness or a cookie to a child in the neighborhood, make a donation to an organization that meets the needs of children,  be involved in children’s clubs or teams.  There are many ways to care.  Perhaps the most important way is to introduce them to Jesus, who will always love them and never let them down.

Let the little children come to me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.  (Matthew 19:14)


Jesus love the little children,

All the children of the world,

Red and yellow, black and white,

All are precious in His sight.

Jesus love the little children of the world.


If my heart is breaking for the children of the world, what is happening to His? 


What will He do when He has had enough of this and He judges the world?