Friday, October 20, 2017

The Perils of Protest---Harming Your Own Cause

There are many perfectly legitimate criticisms of Donald Trump.  Whether or not he is currently behaving circumspectly in regard to relationships with women, he certainly seems to have been inappropriate in the past.  He expresses himself in inflammatory ways causing embarrassment to our country and creeping us closer to open conflict with North Korea.  However, everything he does and says is not wrong.

Unfortunately, there is a liberal element in our society which seems bent on making him out to be the villain and idiot in every possible situation.  Things he says which are perfectly within reason are twisted in grotesque ways to seem nasty.  The current issue of condolence calls seems to be an example of this.

I listened to what Congresswoman Frederica Wilson had to say.  I have also listened to the video/audio released by one of the widows who received a condolence call from Trump.  He was compassionate, praised the fallen soldier, asked the widow questions about her family and invited her to visit him in the oval office if she was in Washington. 

Wilson, in addition to her earlier negative comments, is now declaring that she must be a “rock star” because Trump is paying attention to what she is saying.  I think it was her purpose to put herself on the national stage right from the get-go, and that she is guilty of using a widow’s pain for her own political gain.

Liberals need to back off and recognize that when they criticize everything, they lose the validity of all of their criticisms…even the legitimate ones.  Of course, this is also true of conservatives.  Although it wasn’t as extreme with Obama as it has been with Trump, conservatives made a lot of ridiculous jabs.  One which was especially offensive to me was the citing of Psalm 109:8  May his days be few; may another take his office.  That was a disgusting misuse of God’s word.  People may think they are being clever, when they are actually repulsive and harming the cause they seek to promote.

A couple of decades ago, I was on a three-county board for Health Systems Agency.  One evening when we were reviewing an application from Planned Parenthood, pro-lifers showed up for public comment and threw pictures of aborted fetuses on the table in front of those of us on the board.  There were others on the board beside me who were pro-life, and we were just cringing.  The person chairing the meeting actually said, “you are harming your own cause.”

When people feel so strongly about something that their emotions take over and rational thought disappears, they run the risk of torpedoing themselves and their position.  They look like madmen lashing out at every possible misstep on the enemy’s part, instead of targeting the specific problems over which they have a worthwhile complaint.

Both liberals and conservative are, and have been, guilty of this.  If this doesn’t stop, our society will dissolve into chaos as we shred one another.

A house divided against itself, cannot stand.  Abraham Lincoln

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