“Can anyone hide in
secret places so that I cannot see him?” declares the Lord. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” Jeremiah 23:24
What a different world we would live in, if all men
understood and believed this. Our deeds
are not covered by darkness or hidden by closed doors. There is no way to whisper quietly enough
that our words are not heard….in fact, our thoughts are heard. No mountain is high enough, no water is deep
enough, no tunnel penetrates far enough, and no desert is remote enough to
escape the all-seeing eye and all-hearing ear.
God Himself fills heaven and earth.
For the one who loves God and desires to do His bidding,
this is a blessed comfort. For the one
who ignores God and has no desire to be directed by Him, it ought to produce
terror. The only reason it doesn’t is
that men can convince themselves that He does not exist or is powerless. But, just because men can delude themselves,
does not change truth. If God exists, He
does so whether or not men believe in Him.
The person who does not know or love God sees evidence of
His presence every day, but does not recognize it. The person who loves God sees Him and the
work of His hands everywhere and gives thanks.