Tuesday, December 24, 2024

And the Angels Sang

When the angels sang…


Into the dark of a cold winter night,

Came a warm and radiant light.

Into a world where wars do not cease,

Came a babe who is Prince of Peace.


Into the confusion of a human mind,

Came a Counselor, wise and kind.

Into a life full of pain and grief,

Came the Shepherd for a wand’ring sheep.


And a hardened heart by sin so racked,

Looked on the light and defenses cracked,

Amazing love broke every barrier,

As the heart bowed down to the Lord and Savior.


And the angels sang!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Who is at the Table?


Who is at the Table?

Who sits at my table, who eats of my bread?

Is it only “the worthy” whose hunger is fed?


Who is handed the menu and offered the fare?

To whom do I say, “No, you can’t sit there!”


The table is spread with a glorious feast.

Are invitees “the highest,” excluding “the least?”


At the banquet in heaven, which will happen someday,

Will my “rejects” be seated, while I’m turned away?

Sunday, December 8, 2024

One More Time

Things I would like to do with Bill one more time:

*ice skate

*sing a duet

*cheer him on in a race

*walk to church holding hands

*fall asleep holding hands

*ride in the car

*take him a freshly baked cookie

*crawl in bed together

*wake up together

*tell each other about our day

*discuss an issue and reach a decision

*work in the garden

*talk while he empties his pockets onto the dresser

*sit in the bathtub and talk

*sit in the double recliner

*give him a bare …whoops…bear hug