Saturday, February 1, 2025

Lost Mate

She sits alone in the nest,

Scanning the sky,

With a plaintive cry.


She hasn’t repaired her nest.

She sits motionless, still,

Not using her skill.


Quietly with a heart needing repair,

Am I, scanning the sky,

Wondering “why?”


I understand her loneliness and grief.

Letting time slip by,

The osprey and I.


At least, she can fly.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Dream or Vision

I fell asleep one afternoon,

Was it a dream or vision?

A tunnel gray and long,

Raised an intriguing decision.


Should I enter quickly?

Carefully tiptoe inside?

Or race ahead recklessly,

Caution thrown aside?


The light at the end

Was not white, as expected.

A warm yellow glow

Towards me was directed.


Wispy cloud-like beings

Drifted across the light,

Not wraiths, but angels,

A tantalizing sight.


But as I stood and pondered,

“Has my time come?”

The tunnel walls collapsed.

And the dream was gone.


I woke up disappointed.

“I am still here,” I thought.

Perhaps, the next time will bring,

The heavenly peace I’ve sought.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Dining at the Table



Dining at the Table


We sat at a table on our first date.

It was in a restaurant.

I don’t remember what we ate,

But the conversation was appetizing.


For decades we sat at a dinner table,

Sharing the important and the trivial,

Talking through the chatter of children,

Nourished by both food and conversation.


We sat at a table one Saturday evening,

Not knowing it was the last time.

Later, I could not remember what we ate.

Only the freshly baked blueberry muffins.


Now I sit at a table with one placemat,

Picking at tasteless morsels,

While devouring rich memories,

Gourmet leftovers reheated.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

And the Angels Sang

When the angels sang…


Into the dark of a cold winter night,

Came a warm and radiant light.

Into a world where wars do not cease,

Came a babe who is Prince of Peace.


Into the confusion of a human mind,

Came a Counselor, wise and kind.

Into a life full of pain and grief,

Came the Shepherd for a wand’ring sheep.


And a hardened heart by sin so racked,

Looked on the light and defenses cracked,

Amazing love broke every barrier,

As the heart bowed down to the Lord and Savior.


And the angels sang!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Who is at the Table?


Who is at the Table?

Who sits at my table, who eats of my bread?

Is it only “the worthy” whose hunger is fed?


Who is handed the menu and offered the fare?

To whom do I say, “No, you can’t sit there!”


The table is spread with a glorious feast.

Are invitees “the highest,” excluding “the least?”


At the banquet in heaven, which will happen someday,

Will my “rejects” be seated, while I’m turned away?

Sunday, December 8, 2024

One More Time

Things I would like to do with Bill one more time:

*ice skate

*sing a duet

*cheer him on in a race

*walk to church holding hands

*fall asleep holding hands

*ride in the car

*take him a freshly baked cookie

*crawl in bed together

*wake up together

*tell each other about our day

*discuss an issue and reach a decision

*work in the garden

*talk while he empties his pockets onto the dresser

*sit in the bathtub and talk

*sit in the double recliner

*give him a bare …whoops…bear hug 

Monday, October 7, 2024


Isaiah 49:15 says that a mother might forget her child, but God cannot forget us.  This is a great comfort to me, as I know how impossible it is for me to forget my children and grandchildren.

When my daughter Janelle was about 4 or 5, she was hanging out in our bedroom while my husband and I were getting ready for the day.  He and I were discussing various things, and at one point, I said, “I just realized that I have no major projects planned for the month of January.”  In addition to routine events on my calendar, I normally had something I planned to work on each month, and it would be written at the top of the calendar page.  As soon as I finished saying there was nothing major planned, a sweet little voice said in a sad tone, “January 6th?”  That was her birthday, and she apparently feared I was forgetting it.  In fact, it was written in red on my calendar.

Although I never forgot any of my children’s birthdays, a friend has shared with me, that the year he turned 13, no one in his family remembered.  No one said anything all day, but he was sure it would be remembered at suppertime.  He expected a cake and a present.  But, there was no recognition of the special day.  After supper, he went to his room and cried.  How hurtful it must have been to be forgotten by those closest to him.

This summer my youngest granddaughter (age 5) gave me a map and guided me on a treasure hunt.  She had placed a snack-sized plastic bag filled with sparkly items in a special spot for me to find.  After I found the treasure, she said, “I want you to put the map on the refrigerator, so you will never forget me.”

Oh…my heart!  How could I ever forget you, you precious little doll!

Amazing that the God of the universe remembers each of us individually.  He knows the number of the hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7). That is something I don’t know about the people I love!

I expect to spend a couple of days this week in a hurricane shelter.  God will know where I am.  He has a plan for my life.  He will not forget me.