The agent who checked our boarding passes as we got on our
flight in Jacksonville said something I remember hearing before. He scanned my boarding pass, and then as he
scanned Bill’s pass, he said, “And here’s the lucky man who gets to sit next to
the lovely lady.” I assume the reason I
remember hearing it before is that the same agent scanned our passes on a
previous occasion when we flew through Jacksonville.
This brings several questions to my mind:
How many
times each day does he say this?
How does he decide on whom to use this line?
Has it ever backfired on him? Has he ever misjudged the situation? E.g. Has he ever said it to a couple about to
get divorced or in the middle of a fight or who were actually not a couple?
Does he have any other clever lines that he
looks for opportunities to use?
In any event, it put a smile on my face and has provided me
with some amusement since, as I have pondered various scenarios. I expect he would get away with it, even if
someone didn’t like it, because at that point everyone is hurrying down the jet
way and not likely to stop for conversation or confrontation.
I hope he tells his wife that she is lovely, and he is