Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Memories before Birth

I have mentioned this topic before, but in view of the recent change in the New York state law regarding late abortions, I want to expand on it.

Both of my biological children claimed to have memories of being in my womb.  Both expressed these ideas between the ages of 2 and 3, and then apparently forgot them as they got older.

My daughter and I were looking at a magazine and talking about the pictures when she was about 2 and ½.  We came to a picture of a baby in the womb.  I said, “This is a picture of a baby in the mommy’s tummy.  The baby floats in water in there.”  She replied, “I remember.  I scratched my fingers to get out.”

This was startling, because late in the pregnancy, I often felt a fluttering sensation as though her fingers were tickling me from the inside.  I had always imagined that if the bag of waters broke, it would be near the opening of the cervix, but one night as I was trying to go to sleep, I felt a popping sensation on the right side of my abdomen in the area in which I normally felt the moving fingers.  I felt the warm liquid flowing down my right side toward the cervical opening.  I grabbed a towel and stuffed it between my legs just in time to catch the gush of the amniotic fluid.  Did she really remember this?

In my son’s case, there was no picture which triggered his comment.  One day, he marched into the kitchen and out of the clear blue declared, “When I was in your tummy, I could not hear your voice, but music fell on my head.”  I probably should have asked a follow-up question, but I was so surprised that I just stood there trying to wrap my head around his statement.  He did not describe this sensation in a way that made it likely he had heard a comment by someone else.  It was as though, he had felt a sensation in the womb, which he now recognized we call “music.”  During the pregnancy, I often sat down at the piano and played and sang.  I continued to sing in a choir and sing solos during that time.  He apparently could not hear distinct words, but he must have felt vibrations which were pleasant.

Suppose instead of pleasant vibrations, a child feels an assault that terminates his life?
I have read the argument that a woman should not be made to continue a pregnancy that is discovered not to be viable in the last trimester.  Just because it is not viable, does not mean the child cannot feel pain!  If my daughter knew she was trying to get out, and my son recognized music, might not any child feel agony as life is snuffed out?  Wouldn’t it be better, if the pregnancy was allowed to continue…perhaps with an early delivery?  If the baby didn’t start to breathe, his end would at least be peaceful.  If he lived briefly, he could be held and know love for a brief time. 

There is always the possibility that doctors are wrong too.  I know of a beautiful and intelligent college graduate, whose mother was advised to consider abortion.  I was over 40 when pregnant with my son.  I had to repeatedly refuse amniocentesis and was forced into genetic counselling.  The medical group said they had to be sure I wanted to continue the pregnancy.  Conditions which are treatable prenatally are found through ultrasound which I did not refuse.  The only reason for amniocentesis would have been if I was considering an abortion.  The pregnancy which was by medical personnel considered to be “high risk” due to “advanced maternal age” resulted in an exceptional son.  Doctors are not gods.  They are not always right.

How I wish music fell on every unborn baby’s head and with it the blessing of a mother’s love.  Every child may not be able to verbalize it before the memory is forgotten, but every child may be able to feel it.  Why run the risk of inflicting terror on a helpless baby who is your own flesh and blood?

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Thoughts on "My Money"

I was reminded this morning in church of an experience I had over 50 years ago.  One of the assistant pastors announced an upcoming class on Financial Freedom, and it made me think how my attitude about money has developed over the years.

When I was in nursing school in the Chicago area, we could earn money by working on our days off.  We were classified as “nursing technicians.”  I don’t remember what the pay rate was, but in those days, I was dirt poor and trying to save money for my intent of going to college after nursing school.  Of course, nurses do have to work on Sundays, but I made it a practice never to work on a Sunday if I had a choice in the matter.  So, I might work on Saturday when I had the weekend off, but not on Sunday.  I would go to church faithfully on Sundays.  I got to church on a bus that the church sent around to local schools/colleges to gather up students who didn’t have cars.

After working as a nursing technician one busy Saturday, I went to the supervisor’s office to sign out.  She pretty much begged me to work again on Sunday.  She said they were going to be very short-staffed, and she would really appreciate it if I could work again the next day.  I breathed a quick prayer and said, “yes.”  As I thought about this later discussing it with the Lord, I decided that the Lord was asking me to give the pay for that day to him. 

At the time, my church was trying to raise funds to replace the bus that picked us up.  It was developing problems, and a new one needed to be purchased.  A well-to-do member of the church had agreed that if the congregation could raise half the needed amount, he would donate the other half.  When I got my paycheck for working that Sunday, I donated that day’s pay to the bus fund.

Several days later, the pastor of the church contacted me.  He thought I should know that it was my donation that tipped the amount over the halfway point and triggered the matching donation.  Giving that amount could have been viewed as a sacrifice on my part, but it honestly was not hard to do.  I felt very comfortable with the notion that God was going to provide for me.  He allowed me the delight of seeing that my contribution, though relatively small, was significant.

I have never argued with God about my money.  In fact, I don’t view it as “my money.”  Everything I have comes from his kind hand.  I am allowed to hold it temporarily and use it for him.  Having this underlying philosophy changes one’s attitude toward personal finances.  It eliminates anxiety and promotes a grateful heart.  If both members of a couple have this attitude, it totally avoids conflict over money.  I have seen His provision for me and us over and over.  He has met my needs and then some!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Looking to 2019

It must be miserable to live with one’s emotions being driven by the political scene or material well-being or even human relationships.  So many people in this world….even in our country….are suffering.  Some of that is needless.

Do I like every decision that our president has made…no.  Do I approve of everything congress has done…no.  Am I concerned about the “hot spots” in the world that could flare up into open conflict…sure…but I refuse to obsess over any of these.

Do I feel badly about children going hungry…yes….but I recognize I can only do what I can do.  I will try to be responsive to the needs that God puts in front of me.

Are there frightening possibilities beyond my control?  Well, let’s see…there are volcanoes and earthquakes and tornadoes and ice storms, and absolutely nothing I can do about any of them.  There are crazy people running around with guns.  Will I encounter one of them?

Not everyone likes me.  I have been gossiped about.  I have been left out of things I would have enjoyed attending.  As I have aged, certain of my prior skills have been diminished to the point that I can no longer do those things I once enjoyed.  Gee…maybe I should let myself sink into a slough of despond over no longer being included in these joyful activities.

Wait!  There are people in this world right now who are actually suffering!  There are Christians in countries where great oppression occurs daily.  Some are physically in danger.  They may be tortured or killed.  There are people all over the world…even some I know...suffering with disease that inflicts physical and emotional pain.  How dare I have a pity party? 

A new year is coming.  What will it bring?  I have no clue, but if I go on living, it can be guaranteed that some of what happens in 2019 will be “good” and some of it will be “bad.”  That is, by human standards some things will bring me joy and others will bring me grief.  But God is good all the time, and it is his intent to mold me into the person He wants me to be.  I will not be a lump of clay yelling at the potter, because I don’t like the way he is shaping me.  It is my intent to embrace the pain of being alive.

The outward man does indeed suffer wear and tear, but every day the inward man receives fresh strength.  These little troubles (which are really so transitory) are winning for us a permanent, glorious and solid reward out of all proportion to our pain.  For we are looking all the time not at the visible things but at the invisible.  The visible things are transitory; it is the invisible things that are really permanent. 
(from II Corinthians chapter 4, Phillips translation)

Saturday, December 22, 2018

My Beautiful Mother

I lost my beautiful Mother 20 years ago on December 23rd.  For the five months prior to that day, I had cared for her 24/7 following her massive stroke.  It left her paralyzed on her right side, unable to carry on a coherent conversation, unable to feed herself, and in pain.  Just before the stroke, she was supposed to have surgery to improve the circulation in her legs, but a heart attack followed by the stroke made that impossible.  The circulation deteriorated, and she developed gangrene first in a toe, then the foot, then the leg.  During the last few days of her life, I kept her heavily sedated and watched as the dark discoloration inched up her leg.  I found myself wanting her to die.  I was angry that a pacemaker had been inserted earlier that year.  If not for that, she might have died during the heart attack or stroke which, to me, seemed like a more merciful ending.

For many months afterward, I could not properly grieve her loss.  It took time to rub out the memory of the last few months and recapture the memory of the person she had been in earlier years.  I was glad the suffering person was gone to be with Jesus and was no longer in pain.  Later, I could miss the wonderful person she had been before the illness.

My Mom was one of four siblings who survived.  A baby sister died as an infant.  She was left with 3 brothers...loud, opinionated brothers, who delighted in teasing her.  After World War II, my father and my Mom’s 3 brothers all returned from military service, and all moved in with my maternal grandparents while the men attempted to reestablish themselves as civilians.  I was about 7 months old when they came home at Thanksgiving time in 1945. 

The 3 brothers couldn’t resist using me to torture my Mom.  On one occasion she came in the kitchen to find me sitting in my high chair holding a sharp knife.  When she became a bit hysterical, brother #2 shrugged and said, “She asked for it.”  Brother #3 began attending law school and managed to teach me as a toddler, that if my Mom scolded me, I should say, “I’m standing on my constitutional rights.”  All three brothers were given to using inappropriate words for a toddler to learn.  My Mother put a jar on the kitchen table and told them if they used such words, they had to put money in the jar for my future education.  One time, one of them stuffed the jar in advance and then turned the air blue with a string of profanities.  When I was being potty trained, I would wait until brother #1 was in the shower, and then say I needed to use the potty, because I knew he would come out dripping wet wrapped in a towel, and this amused me.  Poor Mom had a rough go of it for those first few years of my life.

My first recollections of her were her kindness in caring for me when I was ill, her frustration with my smart mouth, and that she was often exhausted from hard work.  My parents struggled financially during my early years, and Mom worked in the garden and did a lot of canning so that we had fruits and vegetables during the winter months.  I remember long walks, since she never did learn to drive.  I thought of her as serious, but there were times when she was extremely funny, singing and dancing around the house and being a bit of an actress.  She had always wanted to play an instrument, but her parents wouldn’t pay for lessons.  She said they were convinced she wouldn’t stick with it, because her #1 brother hadn’t stuck with his violin lessons.  She played the piano by ear.  I’m not sure how she did this.  I have always had to have music in front of me to play.

Mom was very artistic.  Her parents had wanted her to pursue a career in art, but she wanted to be a nurse, and she did become an RN.  She illustrated a book on baby care that her hospital produced.  She worked as a nurse until after she married my Dad.  But art was a life-long hobby.  She made lovely illustrated songbooks for children’s groups.  She was always interested in helping children with crafts.  As a child, she encouraged me to work on various craft projects.  When I was about six, one of the men who made deliveries to our home (I don’t remember if it was the milkman or breadman) had a daughter who was bedridden with an extended illness.  Mom helped me create a scrapbook of pictures for the little girl.  I cut interesting pictures out of magazines and pasted them in a blank book.

I started school a year before I was old enough.  Basically, this was because I was exhausting my Mother with my constant questions and attempts to tell her what to do.  She begged the school to take me.  I quickly became easier to manage at home, because I always had my nose in a book.  Through my growing up years, she defended my right to read.  My Dad would get upset that I wasn’t helping her with some bit of housework.  She would say, “She’s reading.  Let her read!”  I appreciated her understanding that my brain worked overtime, and I needed to learn new things.

I also appreciated her kindness at times I was upset.  She never belittled my “problems.”  In particular, there was the day in 4th grade when I came home and threw myself on the bed and sobbed.  My “boyfriend” had made it clear that our relationship was over by pushing me off the school bus seat onto the floor.  She could have made light of my puppy love and childish emotions, but she comforted me in keeping with my broken heart.  She was always available to talk about what was important to me.

When I was a teenager, we went shopping one spring for a new dress for me.  I could not make up my mind between two dresses which I liked and asked Mom what she thought.  She said, “I want you to have both of them.”  I knew my parents couldn’t afford for me to buy both, and I said that I only needed one.  She said with tears welling up in her eyes, “You are the only girl at church who has to wear the same dress every week.  I want you to have both.”  I don’t think I had noticed this.  In fact, I had one friend who was worse off…she wore the same sweater and skirt to school every day!  I knew if I got both, Mom would go without something, but she insisted.

When I left home and went hundreds of miles away to school, she wrote me almost every day.  Her letters were newsy and full of descriptions of amusing events that had happened in the family. I loved receiving them and felt still connected to my family because of them.

After I had finished nursing school and started college, Mom had a serious illness and was hospitalized when I came home on Christmas break.  It was a startling experience for me to realize that a role reversal was taking place.  When I visited her in the hospital, the conversation was not about me and what was going on in college.  It was about her illness and her concerns.  Fortunately, she recovered, and we had many more years of conversations that were a more mature balance in which we each could share our concerns.

When our family moved resulting in meeting the man who would become my husband, she “fell in love” with him before I did….but that is another story!

My Mother was very supportive of me during the years I was raising my own children.  She enjoyed spending time with them which was helpful to me, and she listened to me when I was struggling with some parenting issue.

Everyone who knew her thought of her as sweet and gentle, but let me tell you, you didn’t want to mess with Laurena!   Any man who hassled her was likely to experience her special technique.  She would face the person squarely and shake her fist in his face saying, “Ya see this?”  As he looked at the fist, she would bring up the fist of the other hand and deliver a gut-punch.  While he was trying to recover the air he had just lost, she would say, “That wasn’t the one to watch!”  Both of my brothers will attest to this being true as they have both been on the receiving end.

My Mom….she was beautiful.  She was smart.  She was kind. She was not perfect, but I loved her dearly.  Those difficult 5 months are only a fraction of the time we had together.  With the passage of time, the agony of that brief slice of time has diminished, and I can remember my Mom for who she really was during most of her life.

What a lovely lady!

Friday, December 7, 2018

While I Slept

While I slept, the world changed.
Silently the flakes fell,
Covering ground and trees,
Creating an enchanted wonderland.

While I slept, the world changed.
Somewhere a parent died.
A child’s cry went unanswered,
Creating a painful void.

While I slept, the world changed.
Troops lined up for battle,
Poised to strike at daybreak,
Creating a hellish conflagration.

While I slept, the world changed.
A spark easily extinguished smoldered.
Unnoticed it erupted and spread,
Creating a charred and desolate landscape.

While I slept, the world changed.
Ethics and morals slipped away.
The foundations of society shook,
Creating a world with no absolutes.

And yet..
While I slept, the world changed.
A child was born to be a Savior,
And with Him came the promise that I
And the world can be created anew.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Giving Up What One Loves

I am baking cookies today and thinking about my mother.  It was her great delight in life to be of service to others, and this often involved baking and cooking.  She was happy to provide cookies for any occasion, meals for a family having a difficult time, or a pie just to be kind to a neighbor.

As she aged, she did not want to give up on these things, so…

One day she baked a blueberry pie for a neighbor, but essential tremor is inherited in her family (which is why I now have it), and between the tremor and some weakness of age, she dropped the pie on the neighbor’s front steps making a huge blueberry mess.  She was upset, and I am sure, embarrassed.

The day she tripped and fell up the basement steps breaking her arm in three places, she had gone to the basement to get some potatoes to make a meal for a family who had just had a new baby.  The meal didn’t happen, and surgery followed by a long recovery did happen.

These things both occurred when she was in her early to mid-70s, along with another incident.  I asked her to bake cookies for an event at church.  My father was later furious with me and told me I was never to do that again.  She did not admit it, but he said that on the first try she had left out a major ingredient and had to throw out the whole batch and start over.  My dad was not kind when things of this nature happened.  I had asked her, because although I knew she was getting frail, I also knew how much she liked to contribute.

I don’t remember exact ages or sequence of these incidents, but I do know she went into a decline at age 74.  Up until that time, she could run circles around women 20 years younger.

I am now 73.  I am basically well, but I have recently been having joint pain in my hips.  It is becoming more difficult for me to stand in the kitchen for extended time periods, so I had decided that this holiday season, I would not bake Christmas cookies.  Ha-ha.  I have three occasions coming up for which I have been asked to bake cookies.  Did I say “no.”  Of course not.  I am my mother’s daughter, and I won’t stop because of some pain.  I will wait until I drop something, or fall up the steps, or get so confused that I mess up the recipe.  The difference will be, my husband won’t get upset about it.  He will hug me and say, “Let’s just go buy some cookies.”

Who knows…maybe I will be able to bake for another 20 years and won’t ever have to give up something that I genuinely love doing!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Red Sweater

I have long ago outgrown the excitement of receiving Christmas gifts.  I have NOT outgrown the delight of giving them.  I absolutely love having an excuse to give gifts to the people I love.  I will use any excuse to send a little something to grandchildren...Halloween, Valentine’s Day, the beginning of the school year, good grades at the end of the school year, going on a trip…sometimes, no reason at all.  So, being able to select Christmas gifts that my family members will enjoy is great joy to me!

But, I do remember a Christmas gift I received with great disappointment, which I had to suppress.

The year I was twelve, my mother was pregnant with my youngest brother.  To my knowledge, her pregnancy with me was the only uneventful one.  Two pregnancies had ended in miscarriage and two had resulted in blood clots in her legs which caused her to be bedridden most of the pregnancy.  This would not be the case now.  One of my daughters apparently inherited the problem and was able to continue living normally by self-injecting heparin every day.  My mother had to stay in bed.  This caused huge changes in my life…more responsibility than I was used to and much less focus on my needs.

My brother was born in January, so when Christmas came, Mom was confined to bed and unable to shop for gifts.  She gave my dad a list, and as she put it, “he did the best that he could.”  Just before the holiday, she said she needed to talk to me.  I had asked for a red cardigan sweater.  Dad had purchased a red cardigan, but it was the wrong size…. way too big.  My mother asked me to say ‘thank you’ and not let him know it was too big.  She did not want him to feel he had failed in his assignment when he had tried to do the right thing.  There was no time to exchange it, and I suspect he was feeling overwhelmed.

So, Christmas came, and the gifts were given, and the sweater was huge, and I said ‘thank you.’  Since it was my main gift, I choked back some tears and put on a happy face.  I was grateful that my dad had tried.  I don’t think I ever felt quite the same about Christmas gifts after that.  I began to develop a more grown-up perspective.

Christmas did indeed come, whether or not I was delighted with my gifts.  There were still decorations, and cookies, and wonderful music, and family get-togethers, AND oh yes, Jesus had come!  All the trappings of Christmas just set the mood.  The real event is that God sent His son into the world to be my Savior.  What a gift!  No disappointment!

I eventually grew into the red sweater.

I also grew into the realization that giving is much more fun than getting.